As I've done with other hobbies in the past, I've decided to start a blog. This helps me document my learning process for myself, and serves as a record for others just getting into a hobby. I've been researching amateur radio for just over three weeks now, and I've learned just enough to get started.
Some areas of amateur radio that I plan on experimenting with are:
- Simplex and repeater voice operation on VHF/UHF frequencies
- Building my own Yagi antenna
- Contacting amateur radio satellites
- Software-defined radio
- Packet radio
As I discover more about each of these topics, I will write up blog posts that describe how things went and what I learned. I will likely include some YouTube videos as well, where appropriate.
As of right now, I don't have any equipment yet, but there's a local Hamfest happening this weekend, and I have some money saved up. I plan on purchasing my first radio, a power supply, and an antenna. Once I've accomplished that, I'll need to set everything up at my house.
The first thing I'll do after setup is try to get my first contact. From then on, I'll continue to document things that I learn, and see how things go! In the mean time, I'll write a post about the process of getting a license in Canada.
I hope you find something useful on this blog, or at least enjoy reading it!
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